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Will Medd

Will Medd Coaching

Pendeen,  Cornwall

United Kingdom






I am fascinated by coaching, and how we bring out the best of ourselves as coaches in service of our coachees; including the role that meditation (and other present based practices can play) and exploring where the edge of coaching lies.

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As an established coach and meditation teacher, I bring to supervision ten years of coaching experience involving a combination of one-to-one coaching, group coaching programmes, peer coaching training, mindfulness and various forms of coaching based workshops. I’ve worked with a range of coachees across the UK, Europe and North and South America, and from a range of professional backgrounds.

Throughout this time I have experienced very different styles of supervision, ranging from focused sessions on my use of specific competencies, to more coaching-style supervision exploring my goals, to a fuller, reflective space encompassing all aspects of my coaching work. I decided to train with the Coaching Supervision Academy (CSA) to both enhance my own coaching practice while deepen my skills for holding a space to engage with others about their coaching work. I love how the CSA approach – full spectrum supervision - offers a space to move from the details of specific coaching issues and relationships with coachees, to the wider context of coaching, who you are and who you are as a coach.

I trained as a supervisor with the Coaching Supervision Academy (2016-2017) which utilises ‘full spectrum supervision’ to explore the full range of issues shaping supervision. I see my supervision as holding a space in which a coach can explore, examine, play and experiment with who they are as a coach, what that means for the relationships they form, the energy they offer and the skills they use in service of their clients. As a supervisor I insist on a commitment to being present together, on learning from our relationship and on inviting the you to step into your more open, spacious self. While we will work with specific examples, we’ll also explore the wider context of coaching, we’ll explore the boundaries of coaching and other forms of talking profession, we’ll encounter ethical issues and the effectiveness of contracting. Together we will experience challenge, provocation, fun, warmth, compassion, emotion, relationship and more.

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