You will need a minimum total of 30 hours CPD in order to meet the reaccreditation requirements. These can be evidenced in the submission log below using the following criteria:
Requirement 1
Evidence of own supervision. In this section you can count a minimum of 4 maximum of 10 hours supervision (we appreciate many Graduates have more than this).
Eligible Coaching Supervision: includes 1:1 coaching supervision, or group supervision, which is facilitated by a paid qualified/experienced professional coaching supervisor. Eligible Coaching Supervision requirement can include a mix of both 1:1 and group supervision (up to the maximum of 10 hours).
Requirement 2
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can include any learning that better equips you to be in service of others, using your supervision skills and energy. This annual learning can include, but is not limited to, CSA events, webinars and retreats. It can include membership of a CSA Approved Peer Chain Supervision Group.
A brief paragraph for each activity you include on how you or your coaching/supervision practice benefitted from the activity is required. Your CPD can include the obvious things: workshop days, webinars. However, it can also include reading relevant blogs, books or professional journals, attending conferences. For this section we are looking for more than a list of books/events/activity titles.
Think about the more creative forms that enhance your work – what about a deep conversation with a peer on being a supervisor? A piece of reflective writing? A triad group meeting! (Many continue to meet). Or a You Tube video. Have you seen the videos on the CSA page - CSA Videos?
Sometimes you might even engage in totally different activities that enhance your practice. For example: you might learn a language that you may never use for coaching and supervision sessions yet it may prove beneficial in your understanding of cross cultural issues in a global executive coaching and supervision practice.
So…think creatively. What have YOU done this year that has brought you home to yourself? Supported you being in presence? Or supported an aspect of your practice? Be creative and we’d love to hear about it!
Requirement 3
Part 1 - Please complete the reflective journal which asks you what your learning has meant for you
Part 2 - Your plans for the future: write a short paragraph about your focus for next year.
Fee: We are holding the fee for this process at last year's rates of just £85.00 (+vat where applicable).
Please see the video below for a quick guide to completing the process using the online platform.
Reaccreditation for CSA Qualified Coach Supervisors is currently an annual process and runs in line with the calendar year. The process begins in the Autumn when invitations are sent out for CPD record submissions for the following year.
All Submissions are all assessed and reaccreditation is awarded to all that meet the criteria.
This short video may be helpful.
These vary from year to year as we try to ensure that they are relevant and useful to the community. For 2025 they will include:
One of our student cohorts celebrating their Diploma Awards
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In today’s digital world everything is now online, and traditional certificates are evolving to support the needs of savvy professionals. CSA has partnered with Accredible to provide digital credentials to recognize your learning accomplishments and expertise.
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