CSA Greater China

CSA Greater China


Like its counterparts in CSA’s supervision training around the world, this rigorous 1-year program centers on creating a lively professional partnership with coaches - one in which they can significantly develop their range and capabilities as a coach and supervisor and return to their work resourced and stimulated. It is highly experiential in its approach while still being supported by teaching, practice and feedback in classic and current supervision theories and models.

Celebrating our International Success: 

With the Diploma first accredited in 2005, CSA's Faculty membership quickly grew and was able to offer the same Program to an international audience. We have quickly established a place in the Coaching Supervision community in France and Europe. Adapting to new research and reflecting current thinking in the sector, whilst always modelling the same ethos and high standards for learning.

In this new Chinese spoken program we continue the huge success of previous years, with 2024 offering an opportunity for coaches, supervisors and leaders to develop their skills and practice by becoming accredited graduates of the CSA Diploma in Coaching Supervision.

ICF CCE logo
EMCC Accredited logo

CSA is delighted to have 'Approved Provider' status with ICF and our Diploma Program has been continuously Accredited with EMCC since 2005.

What Distinguishes Our Programme

What distinguishes the CSA Diploma programme is that in addition to a thorough training in classic supervision models, students will be trained in CSA’s Full Spectrum Model of Coaching Supervision.

The Full Spectrum Model incorporates Hawkins & Shohet’s 7-eyed model of Supervision together with core teaching and practice on the Use of Self in Supervision, multi-dimensional Presence work which utilizes the seminal ideas of Sharmer/Senge et al (TheoryU), work with subtle energies , Buddhist Psychology, and quantum physics – a living, relational perspective.

There is also teaching on Coaching Psychology and on Systems Thinking. This broad range ensures that the course is both challenging and holistic. Personal Development for Supervisors is foundational and attention is paid to bringing mature reflective practitioners into the profession. 

Dates for Greater China 2024/25 (GC1)

This Programme will take place virtually. We switched to this format following the Covid pandemic, which had a significant impact on international travel. We have continued to develop the elements of the programme, adopting this medium with excellent feedback from students and faculty.

Introductory sessions:

Welcome and orientation: Sep 27, 2024 from 09.00 to 10:00 BST

Building a community: October 7, 2024 from 09:00 to 10:00 BST

Modules :

Module 1 : 21-23 October 2024 (online) 9.00am - 5.30pm (lunch included)

Module 2: 6 - 8 January 2025 (offline/physical course) 9:00am - 5:30pm
(lunch included)

Module 3 : 14-15 April 2025 (online course) 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (lunch included)

Please keep the Module days entirely free.

Felicia Lauw (CSA Asia Pacific / CSA China Programme Leader) will be in direct contact with coaches and leaders interested in the programme.

If you would like to learn more about the GC01-2024 inaugural Chinese course, please contact the Programme Manager at pm@csa-gc.com

Faculty Members Greater China 2024/25 (GC1)

We are delighted to introduce the new faculty team for this programme led by Felicia Lauw, there may be some changes to the supporting faculty team, we encourage new faculty members to join as they gain experience with their own practice although the Programme Leads will not change.

Felicia Lauw 

Programme Leader CSA GC01

Felicia Lauw

An executive coach and coach supervisor based in Singapore. EMCC Accredited Supervisor and Master Practitioner, Winner of EMCC 2020 Global Supervision Award. Wiith 13 years experience supervising for a coaching company, provide group supervision and 1:1 coach supervisor for professional coaches, mentors, team coaches and consultants and leaders working with a coaching style.

Felicia Lauw 刘明明

- CSA Chinese Bilingual Programme / Chinese Programme Leader

- 2020 EMCC GLOBAL Supervisor Award Winner

- Master Coach and Mentor (EMCC EIA MP)

- Certified Practising Supervisor (EMCC ESIA)

Tina Huang

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    Tina is a Master Certified Coach by International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also a certified Coach Supervisor and Coach Mentor. Mandarin is her native language and she speaks fluent English. 

    Tina has more than 15 years’ experiences in leadership development programs and leadership and executive coaching. Her clients included executives, leaders and professional coaches around the world and mainly in Greater China and Asia Pacific region. 

Dr Haiyan Wei

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    Dr Haiyan Wei 魏海燕博士

    CSA Chinese Programme Tutor

    CSA Chinese Course Instructor

    Master Certified Coach (ICF Master Certified Coach)

    ICF Advance Certified Team Coach

    Advanced Team Coach (ICF Advance Certified Team Coach)

    Certified Practice Supervisor (EMCC ESIA)

    Coach Mentoring (Mentor Coach)

Gloria Hung

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    Gloria Hung 熊淑宜

    CSA Chinese Programme Tutor

    CSA Chinese Course Instructor

    Master Certified Coach (ICF Master Certified Coach)

    Mentor Coach - Mentor Coach - Mentor Coach

    Coach Mentoring (Mentor Coach)

    Coach Supervisor

Programme Price: S$9500

After speaking with Felicia, once you have decided to join the programme, an email will be sent with payment information and payment of the course fee will secure your place on the course. The programme is capped at 24 participants on a first-come-first-served basis. In addition, there will be pre-course work before the course starts, which means you will have more time to complete the pre-course work. We can also offer instalment arrangements at no extra cost if required, please contact the CSA Programme Manager (pm@csa-gc.com) for details.

There is an additional fee of S$2050 for the 8 supervised conversations required in the programme, which you will need to pay directly to the supervisor of your choice. You will need to find 5 supervisees for the programme, and although your fee may be less than the full commercial rate, all parties are usually happy to accept a fair exchange. Our experience is that most participants can easily cover this cost by charging for the 5 supervisees needed for the course.

Module 2 will be planned to be held within mainland China and the price of the course does not include personal travelling expenses.

*The above amounts do not include Singapore GST, where applicable.

CSA Cohort

If you would like to learn more about the GC01-2024 inaugural Chinese course, please contact the Programme Manager at pm@csa-gc.com

CSA Diploma Student Progress Map
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