
The CSA Diploma in Coaching Supervision

Established in October 2005 and now hosted around the world. Our Diploma is now available in the Americas, Asia Pacific, China, France, Japan and the UK. 

The world needs supervisors who can hold profound conversations that meet the challenges of now; the CSA accredited diploma is designed to do just that, working with the evolution of human consciousness while simultaneously providing elegant, rigorous grounding in supervision theory and practice. This dual focus is a distinguishing feature of the CSA supervision programme.

Coaching, of necessity, is maturing to meet the multiple demands on leaders within organisations today. Coaches and leaders face into complexity, uncertainty, trauma - and they also meet the green shoots of societal regeneration. It is important that the supervision conversation can hold all of that, as well as attend to the more established aspects of professional development. This course responds to the rapid developments in contemporary life and we update the curriculum accordingly so that through supervision, coaches can powerfully develop their practice.


Executive and Business coaches

What Makes CSA Different?

The distinguishing feature of the CSA Diploma programme is that in addition to a thorough training in classic supervision models, students will learn about CSA’s 'Full Spectrum Model' of Coaching Supervision.

CSA provides a thorough training in classic and contemporary models of supervision along with extensive, supervised practice in these models. We offer cutting edge training in working with Emergence, Creative Supervision, Deep Listening, Somatics and Dialogue Process; these are crucial in the wide ranging conversation that is supervision. This course is a multidimensional learning experience, which includes entering the liminal spaces where ‘breath, silence and energy’ convey more than words allow.

Our approach seeks to evolve the human being - ‘who you are is how you supervise’. We aim to bring mature, reflective practitioners into the supervision profession: supervisors who are comfortable with complexity and skilled in attending to and holding the rocking systems that are a part of contemporary organisational life. Our work is grounded in mindfulness, in a deep appreciation of our diverse, shared humanity, an honouring and respecting of uniqueness and in our care for the earth.

This programme is life changing for many of the top executive coaches and leaders who train with us; the CSA global faculty are highly skilled in nurturing conversations that matter - conversations with self, living systems, groups, teams and with the rapidly changing aspects of contemporary business life. Our outstanding faculty know in their bones, the connectedness that enables genuine transformation. 

CSA Full Spectrum Supervision

Read a Chapter from CSA's book, "Full Spectrum Supervision" to learn more about our unique model.

Download a Chapter Explore the Syllabus

Do get in touch if you are interested in knowing more about this globally recognised programme.


CSA is proud to have Approved Provider status with the ICF. Our Diploma now carries 108.5 CCEUs, made up of 77.5 Core Competencies and 31 Resource Development. 


The CSA Diploma Course was one of the first to be accredited and has continuously maintained this accreditation with EMCC. 

What Is The Diploma in Coaching Supervision?

CSA Founder Edna Murdoch and Senior Faculty Member Will Medd discuss the Diploma Program

CSA Founder Edna Murdoch and Senior Faculty Member Lynne Cooper discuss CSA and offer insight into the Diploma Programme.

CSA Founder Edna Murdoch and Programme Leader CSA Americas and CSA AP Leanne Lowish
discuss Global Coaching Supervision.

CSA Graduates on Graduation

What Graduates Say

"CSA's coaching supervision programme is cross-disciplinary & leading edge as it integrates knowledge from many different fields.

Having qualified as a CTI coach it has been liberating to work with many new models & perspectives that have enabled me to deepen & broaden my supervision practice, all in service of my clients. I have felt hugely met & supported throughout the learning journey. I would highly recommend this course to any coach who is ready to take their practice to a new level." 

"It opened many new windows of interest & reflection. It allowed me to understand and practice what is important as a Supervisor. Collective learning experience and generous facilitation." 

“One of the most robust learning opportunities I have experienced in my decades-long professional career.

The program is skillfully designed to include a rich mix of dynamic instruction, insightful readings, experiential learning opportunities, individual supervision and reflective writing. The faculty are leaders in their field who are passionate about the subject matter and skilled at teaching and mentoring.

CSA also created a vibrant learning community where participants felt safe to share their learning journeys and generously provided each other with peer support.

The course exceeded my expectations and enabled a breakthrough in my capacity to be fully present, creative and generative with coaching and supervision clients.

Amy Kosterlitz, JD, PCC

Hudson Institute Master Coach

The CSA Diploma: A Truly Global Offering

Our Programme was first offered in the UK in 2005 and we continue to deliver it every year to new groups of professionals.

We have extended our community of Faculty Members and now host programmes regularly in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the UK. At any one time, we can have two or three programmes running in parallel around the world. 

Our portfolio includes regular bilingual courses held in French/English and we introduced a Chinese/English programme in 2023. Looking ahead, we're excited about our plans to introduce versions of the program in German and Italian. More information will be available soon. 

Our faculty are a global community and many contribute to more than one programme. The heart of CSA, it's strong ethos and the message of “who you are, is how you supervise”® is threaded through all the international programmes. Wherever students choose to make their Diploma journey with us, they are assured of the same high learning standards and CSA's core commitment to the very best in Coach Supervision practice globally.

"The depth of knowledge and experience combined with the open hearted commitment of CSA to providing a first class learning environment is incredible. The faculty are dedicated and inspire the cohort to stretch and explore all sorts of ideas, practices and disciplines that add to the Supervision experience."

Trudi Taylor, CSA Accredited Supervisor - 2023


As the leading international provider of supervision training for executive coaches, CSA Graduates are providing some of the finest Coach Supervision around the world. They work with CSA to promote first class supervision and coaching CPD in many sectors and at all levels. 

Use the links below to find out more details and information on how to join a CSA programme in your preferred region.

Map 'pins' reflect a region rather than a specific place of delivery, currently all programmes are delivered virtually.

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