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Thea Bombeek

Winner Resources

Dendermonde,  Brussells







As supervisor and coach I consider myself as travel companion (compagnon de route). Being present and holding space for what wants to happen. I strongly believe that being together with the client in an exploratory space is where magic happens

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Executive Coach, Supervisor, Facilitator, Inspirational Speaker.

Thea Bombeek has developed a passion for everything related to potential development and interaction processes between people. She coaches and supervises people to become the best possible version of themselves and supports coaches to do the same with their clients.

Thea has more than 20 years of experience in international companies (KBC and KPMG). Her strengths lie particularly in the area of authentic leadership, personal development, organizational culture, communication, search for meaning and dealing with loss.

Thea holds a master's degree in History of Art (University of Ghent) and a Master after Master in Human Resources Management (Antwerp Management School). She holds a European Supervision Individual Accreditation (ESIA) and a European Individual Accreditation (EIA) as a Senior Practitioner by EMCC. She is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) at the International Coach Federation, a Certified Transformation Presence Coach and Mentor (Alan Seale), a systemic contextual therapist (Leren over Leven) and a creative coach (Balans).

Thea is the former chairman of the International Coach Federation Belgium. She is a visiting lecturer at the Sociale Hogeschool Ghent and she facilitates supervision for coaches and HR managers.

She is the author of the book: ‘Hoe overleef ik mijn collega’s: tools voor zelfvertrouwen op het werk’. (How to survive destructive functioning colleagues).

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