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Charmaine Bendell

Lifeflowbalance Coaching and Consulting Ltd

Southwell,  Please select

United Kingdom






Charmaine is offering a space for critical reflection and radical compassion to coaches, mentors and leaders with a need to explore their place in the social justice ecosystem.

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Coaching, mentoring, and Leadership are being called upon to evolve in order to help us meet the urgent human and wider eco-system needs that have reached a tipping point.

The global pandemic has cast a cold white light onto the systemic inequalities and injustices blighting and undermining the well-being of our young, our communities, our family life, relationships, and workplaces. Human well-being has never been more closely connected to the ways in which we are being led and governed, the ways in which we are misusing our place in the eco-system. As old certainties disintegrate and uncertainty, volatility and turbulent change become our new normal, what ideas, approaches, ways of being, collaborating, making meaning, and living and working with purpose do we need?

What role can coaches, mentors and leaders working across the caring professionals, in education, business, communities, charities, non-profits or our social services, play in shaping the future and building a legacy for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren?

What vision, ideas, strategies, and approaches do we need to guide our actions and support our own wellbeing and creativity while we work in service of others?

What are we being called to serve and how best do we do this while keeping ourselves our teams, organisations, and relationships healthy?

If these questions resonate get in touch using email or via my website.

"""Supervision with Charmaine has helped ground my process and myself as a coach... I'm most proud of how it's helped me support coachees from a BAME background in the NHS navigate the very challenging situations that they find themselves in. I am more able to distance myself and take a wider, more holistic view with some of these coachees who are in the thick of it, and find it very difficult to get perspective. I have felt more centred in the conversations I've had which has better enabled me to support them through some very tough situations. Our sessions have also been a space for me to question and interrogate my practice and how I want to show up in it"" Freelance Coach 2021

""Supervision with Charmaine has provided me with a reflective space where I can unpack everything and show my vulnerability. Showing my vulnerability is something that I consciously have to work at and I feel that my coaching supervision is a safe, non judgemental space for that. I have become more comfortable with being uncomfortable. I feel an increase in confidence. I think I have a tendency to overthink my role / actions, etc. and I am able to come away from our sessions with more balance....we have excellent rapport, we can smile or laugh, a calm, thoughtful & non-judgemental approach. I thoroughly enjoy and respect Charmaine's observations, probes, challenges and encouraging support."" Freelance Master NLP Practitioner"

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