CSA France old

CSA France 

This rigorous one-year programme is designed for experienced professionals who wish to gain a recognised qualification in supervision. Since 2005, CSA has trained hundreds of Executive and Business coaches and our accredited graduate supervisors are working world-wide. Our approach has a dual purpose, personal and professional, as it is based on our assertion that "who you are is how you supervise".

The Diploma training programme was one of the first to be accredited by the EMCC and CSA has achieved ICF Accredited Provider status with 109 CCEUs (78 Core Competencies and 31 in Resource Development).

Celebrating our 19th Anniversary: Building on the tremendous success of previous years:

Continuing the huge success of previous years, 2025 offers another opportunity for coaches, supervisors and leaders to develop their skills and practice by becoming accredited graduates of the CSA Diploma in Coaching Supervision.

This cutting-edge training programme will enable you to engage in advanced professional development with your peers, enhance your coaching skills, understand and become proficient in coach supervision and be well placed in this growing market. You will also be able to continue your professional development within the international CSA community.

Who is this training programme for? 

For highly qualified and experienced executive coaches, internal and external coaches, professionals who use coaching techniques in their work, as well as human resources managers and organisational development consultants.

For professionals who want to use their knowledge and expertise differently and who are looking for their next challenge or career move.

For all coaches who want to take their practice to the next level. Life coaches, mentors, mediators, social workers, and consultants who are looking for a well-established, challenging, EMCC-accredited training programme that can provide an excellent forum for mature learning and development.

For all Professionals who want to become coach supervisors and continue their own journey towards this master's degree.

CSA's philosophy is "Who your are is how you coach, supervise"

Download the short brochure to learn more about our hisory and how this ethos manifests through the CSA Accredited Diploma in Coaching Supervision.


Dates for CSA France 2025 (FR4)

This Programme will take place virtually. We switched to this format following the Covid pandemic, which had a significant impact on international travel. We have continued to develop the elements of the programme, adopting this medium with excellent feedback from students and faculty.

Introductory sessions:

Welcome and orientation: Tuesday 7 January 2025 from 10.30am to 12pm CET

Building a community: Friday 17 January 2025 from 10.30am to 12pm CET

Modules :

Module 1 : jeudi 23 et vendredi 24 janvier 2025

Module 2 : jeudi 27 et vendredi 28 mars 2025

Module 3 : jeudi 26 et vendredi 27 juin 2025

Module 4 : jeudi 25 et vendredi 26 septembre 2025

Les modules ont lieu de 9h00 à 17h30 CET

What will you learn?

  • The importance of presence and relational presence - and the impact in the coaching relationship and coach supervision.

  • The process and structure of coaching supervision, including: the supervision agreement, designing the working alliance, managing the process in sessions and as part of the contract, knowing the 'domain' or context of the work, being alert to unconscious relational processes such as transference, projection and deference, and much more.

  • How to manage the individual supervision process and the basics of group supervision.

  • Understanding energy management - applying the principles of quantum physics, neuroscience and mindfulness to coach supervision, including managing strong emotions.

  • Using new perspectives on relationships from coaching psychology, transactional analysis, Gestalt and transpersonal psychology.

  • Acquire an in-depth knowledge of the Full Spectrum model - developed after decades of practice, reflection and refinement in this field. Models include Hawkins and Smith's "7 eyes model", Scharmer and Senge's work on "Presence" and "Theory U", the embodiment of leadership and the latest developments in systems thinking.

  • A wide variety of tools to use in supervision sessions, for example Karpman's dramatic triangle, the magic box, two-chair work, constellations, the use of cards and other creative techniques, somatic and embodied wisdom and much more.

  • Developing your internal supervisor, reflective practitioner and use of self in supervision.


Francophone Cohort
Francophone Cohort

Course syllabus, information and advice - ICF CCEU's 

Training components - The programme includes 9 days of face-to-face training. This study time enables full integration of learning. Students are supported throughout the programme by a team of highly qualified professional trainers and tutors.

  • 9 days of face -to-face training
  • 6 one-hour individual tutoring sessions
  • 12 webinars ranging from 60 to 90
  • 8 one-hour "supervisor supervision" sessions with a CSA-accredited supervisor (charged at £1,200 or 1,500 Euros, which can be recouped with the supervision of your supervisees).
  • 8 x 2-hour practice sessions in peer triads
  • Regular reading of the mandatory reading list and the optional reading list
  • Regular monitoring of the student's learning path through the writing of a diary
  • Participants will also complete 25 hours of practice as a supervisor, i.e. 5 one-hour supervision sessions with 5 supervisees (coaches) or 4 individual supervisions and 1 group supervision. Contractualisation is an essential learning step in becoming a supervisor. Participants will be expected to charge between £50 and £120 (€60 and €140) per hour for each hour of supervision practice, giving an income of between £1,250 and £2,500 (€1,500 and €3,500).

At the end of the training programme, all participants will submit:

  • A 3000 word learning journal showing personal learning and progress made during the course.

  • A 5000 word case study based on the experience of one of the practices with one of the 5 supervisees.

A practice assessment will be observed and completed during the 3rd module. The final assessment process consists of a portfolio of evidence, including the written work (above) and markers' reports; tutor's report; supervisor's report; programme manager's observations; observed practice report.


Information and Guidance - ICF CCEU's

For our CSA Coach Supervisor Diploma training programmes starting in 2022, they are validated by ICF and now give a credit of 109 CCEUs.

These credits are subdivided into 78 units for core competencies and 31 units for resource development.

ICF policy

With this update, ICF accredited members will be able to count working with a coach supervisor as part of the Continuing Coach Education (CCE) requirements in the Core Competencies area for ICF accreditation renewal. These hours are accepted on an hourly basis, and there is no upper limit to the number of hours of coach supervision that can be applied to the continuing education requirements of applicants for ICF reaccreditation.

ICF position on coach supervision

ICF recommends coach supervision for full-time professional coaches as part of their CPD portfolio.

Coach supervision is sufficiently different from coaching that training is required to provide the knowledge and opportunity to practice supervision skills. As such, all coach supervisors should receive training in coach supervision.

Additional notes

Coach supervisors do not need to have ICF accreditation. It is not necessary for supervisors to apply for accreditation.

NB ICF France has put in place specific criteria for inclusion on their register of coach supervisors. This is a local approach and not a global ICF policy. For more information, please visit their website.


Francphone cohort

Module Contents 


The modules consist of 8 days (4 x 2) held from 09:00 to 17:30 CET and will include:

An introduction to the CSA Full Spectrum coaching supervision model, roles and competencies, including the 7 eyes model.

How to start and work in the supervision session

Relational presence and the power of energy fields

Becoming a reflective practitioner

Psychological theories and models, including Transactional Analysis and Gestalt

Working with the body and intuition

Unconscious factors in coaching supervision

Group supervision

Evaluations of observed practice

Multi-party contracting


Neuroscience and supervision

Diversity and belonging

Using creative tools in individual and group supervision

Deepening our understanding of psychological theories and models

Working with endings, recognising how far we've come and anticipating what's next.

The next steps in developing your practice.

Programme Costs **********************

Programme registration fee: CHF 6'750.-* / Euro 6'950.-* / GPB 6'042.-*

This price includes the full training programme, free access to our library of CSA resources in English and French, tutorials, webinars and exam registration.

* Please note that there is an additional cost of CHF 1'400.- or € 1'440.- , or GPB 1'200.- for compulsory supervision sessions with a supervisor of your choice who is part of the programme.

You can easily cover these costs from the fees you can charge supervisees during the training programme.

The costs of transport, accommodation, including lunch and/or dinner are at your own expense.


pecial price for the first 10 registrations, CHF 5'740.- / € 5'910.- / GPB 5'136.-

Cancellation fees

If for any reason the participant has to cancel after registering for the course, the course fee will be refunded as follows:

Up to 30 days before the start of the program, we will refund 50% of the cost of the course (less an administration fee of € / CHF 250.-).

Less than 30 days before the course or once the course has started, the full cost of the course is due.

If the number of participants in the training program is insufficient, GenerativeHub will refund the full price paid by the training participant.

No other type of reimbursement may be requested, such as accommodation, transport, money transfer costs or other.


For more information and to reserve your place... 


or more information about the CSA Coach Supervisor Diploma in France or Switzerland, or to register your interest in this programme, please contact

Nino Musumeci "csa@generativehub.com" +41 79 588 03 56. Nino is the programme director and catalyst for the development of CSA in Switzerland and France.

Admission to the training programme is by interview with the programme manager and/or lead trainer. To arrange an interview, please contact

Nino Musumeci csa@generativehub.com +41 79 588 03 56.


For more information and to reserve your place...  ********************


or more information about the CSA Coach Supervisor Diploma in France or Switzerland, or to register your interest in this programme, please contact

French CSA Diploma - Delivery team: 

Collaborateurs de la faculté et du programme de CSA:
Faculty and CSA programme staff: 

Anne Berthelin

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    Bio coming soon

Sophie Bizeul

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    Avec plus de 4000 heures d'expérience combinée de coaching/mentorat/supervision/formation, je travaille avec des particuliers et des cadres moyens à supérieurs issus de diverses industries des secteurs public et privé en Amérique du Nord et du Sud, en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique. 

    With over 4000 hours of combined coaching/mentoring/supervision/training experience, I work with individuals and middle to senior managers from a variety of industries in the public and private sectors in North and South America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. 

Andra Morosi

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    Andra Morosi,  is a seasoned global leadership coach with a proven track record with senior executives and C-Suite leaders and their teams, supervisor of coaches, mentor coach and thinking partner. Andra graduated with CSA in 2018 and her drive is “Boosting potential, passion and performance in leaders and teams!”

Karyn Fletcher Prentice

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    Tout mon travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de la communication et des relations. Tout ce que nous faisons est lié à la communication. Il s'agit des messages que nous nous envoyons à nous-mêmes sur ce que nous pensons pouvoir ou ne pas pouvoir faire. Il s'agit du dialogue avec un autre individu, avec des équipes ou au sein d'une organisation. Chaque conversation que nous avons fait la différence, même si nous ne le reconnaissons pas toujours. 

    All my work is about communication and relationships. Everything we do is about communication. It's about the messages we send to ourselves about what we think we can or can't do. It's about dialogue with another individual, with teams or within an organisation. Every conversation we have makes a difference, even if we don't always recognise it. 

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    Miriam Orriss is co-founder of the Coaching Supervision Academy and co-designer of the CSA Diploma in Coaching Supervision. She has many years of supervisory experience in a variety of professional and business settings. Miriam continues her work as Executive Chair of CSA and lead tutor for the CSA Diploma in Coaching Supervision course.


Monica Ross

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    Monica Ross is an ICF accredited coach and accredited supervisor with CSA. Trained in transactional analysis with a particular emphasis on working with leaders in organisations and with groups. She is a trained energy therapist and passionate about standards and ethics in coaching and supervision.

Jean-François Thiriet

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    Jean-François Thiriet, has been an executive coach, collective intelligence facilitator an expert in generative change for 15 years. Working internationally and fluent in both English and French his innovative facilitation, coaching methodologies and extensive practise experience bring value for his clients. Jean-François graduated with CSA in 2019 and is part of the UK and French faculty teams.


Pascale Venara, 

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    Pascale Venara, sa longue expérience dans des grands groupes internationaux en France, en Europe et en Afrique, permet à Pascale d’interagir avec justesse pour accompagner ses clients à identifier et déployer leur posture singulière de dirigeant. Forte de son regard de psychologue du travail, de gestalt thérapeute et de coach, Pascale ouvre des espaces pour engager les leaders dans leur être. Elle leur permet d’oser rêver grand, d’inspirer pour donner du sens et d’engager leurs équipes pour des transformations respectueuses de l’humain. 

    Pascale Venara's many years of experience working for major international groups in France, Europe and Africa enable her to interact effectively with her clients, helping them to identify and develop their unique leadership style. Drawing on her experience as an occupational psychologist, Gestalt therapist and coach, Pascale opens up the way for leaders to engage with their very being. She enables them to dare to dream big, to inspire to give meaning and to engage their teams in transformations that respect people. 

We provide the best learning experiences for our students and the quality of the CSA Diploma in Coaching Supervision is largely dependent on the outstanding quality, experience and support of the CSA faculty.

One recent graduate said:

"It has opened up many new windows of interest and reflection. It allowed me to understand and put into practice what is important as a supervisor. It brought me into contact with great people from all over the world. A collective learning experience and generous facilitation.

CSA est une marque mondiale de confiance, connue pour son excellente formation à la supervision et pour offrir des services de supervision aux coachs, mentors, RH, DO, éducateurs et dirigeants. Notre brillante équipe internationale de formation, qui ne cesse de s'agrandir, travaille sur nos programmes aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en Europe et dans la région Asie-Pacifique. Outre notre programme phare, le diplôme en supervision de coaching, nous proposons également une variété de webinaires et d'événements de développement professionnel continu (DPC), ainsi que des ressources vidéo. À la CSA, nous développons en permanence de nouveaux programmes de compétences en supervision, qui sont en cours de conception ou déjà disponibles pour les professionnels désireux de commencer leur parcours d'apprentissage avec nous dans un environnement collaboratif.

"Les gens viennent au cours non pas pour une personne mais pour une équipe, une vision, un objectif, une culture et une éthique"

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