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Our slow climb out of winter by Elaine Patterson

February 28, 2023

by CSA Accredited Supervisor and Faculty Member Elaine Patterson 

Have you noticed that we have started our slow climb out of winter? Crocuses and snowdrops are starting to appear. The light is getting brighter, and the days are getting longer. And while ice might return, it feels as if Spring is starting to peek around the corner.

The 1st February is also Imbolc – which is also called Saint Brighid’s Day in the Celtic seasonal calendar - marks the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It marks the start of Spring and the traditional start of the lambing season. Imbolc also represents hope – it is the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of earth awakening and life-force stirring.

If we are careful to pay enough exquisite attention to our surroundings, we start to notice that Nature is actually full of transitions – not just the notable highpoints of the year but also the many micro changes which are taking place right under our noses. From the clouds skidding across the sky; from day to night and back again; and from the micro changes that take place in your garden from day to day. The Japanese honour these many adjustments with the naming of 72 micro seasons. And so, what is true of nature is also true of us. We are constantly in a change of flux and nature is in us as we are in nature. Nature reminds of the impermanence, the beauty, the fragility, and the resilience of all of life from which we can draw our inspiration and our strength.

Our new programme on Nature’s Way which is inspired by Karyn Prentice’s Book of the same title helps us to tune into the nature which is within us and all around us. We learn how we can bring a more soulful and poetic language teeming with new metaphors to help us to craft newer, gentler, and more respectful ways of inter-being and inter-relating which can alter our ways of seeing which in turn can then go on to more sensitively inform our doing.

And so please do join us for our new programme “Sacred Landscape with NATURE AS INSPIRATION AND PARTNER: A Year’s Immersion in Nature and the Wisdom of the Five Seasons to Enrich You and Your Coaching and Supervision Practice’ to discover the myriad of ways that you can become more intimate with nature in service of you, your work and the planet. We start in March, meet virtually once a season for five seasons, mornings, or afternoons at your time zone choice.


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