Profile Details

Profile Details

Joan Van Den Brink

Amsterdam,  Noord Holland






Hello, I'm delighted to be here and looking forward to learning with you.

More Details

Dancing always cheers me up when I'm down. The music genres I like best are R&B and should. However, anything with a good bass works for me.
I feel young at heart and am so happy that my kids (aged 31 and 29) like spending time with me and me with them. This was epitomised when we watched the Ireland-South Africa rugby world cup game in a pub in Dublin with 5 of their friends. We had a great time.
I am a relational person and look forward to forming connections with each and everyone of you.

Professional Qualifications

PhD Organic Chemistry, Cambridge
Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Exec Coaching (AoEC)
Certificate in Emotions-Centred Coaching (School of Emotions)
Certificate in Inclusion Coaching (La'Wana Harris Inc)
Certificate in Ubuntu Coaching (Just in Time Solutions)
Marshall Goldsmith Certified Stakeholder Centred Coaching and Team Coaching

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