Halifax, Nova Scotia
Coaching super-Vision take your coaching to deeper levels?
Coaching super-Vision gives the coach a safe, non-threatening environment to explore all aspects of their coaching practice, including areas of strengths (to leverage) and areas of concern (to explore). The supervisor facilitates the coach�s learning so that the coach has quality time to reflect, develop, and continually refine their coaching skills and intuition.
Coaching super-Vision assists coaches to observe the interactions, patterns, mental models and approaches they use with clients from a number of perspectives.
A typical Coach super-Vision conversation starts with the coach raising a question about their coaching practice. The super-Visor engages in the conversation to explore the dynamics of the relationships between:
� The client and coach
� The client and their world
� The approaches that the coach is taking with the client
� The coaches and the super-Visor�s experience of similar relationship dynamics
� The larger environment that influence all our relationships
The dynamics of the coach / super-Visor relationship are also acknowledged and explored to expand the view of coaching as a process of understanding and deepening of self-awareness.
Coach super-Vision is dedicated time for the coach to engage in dialogue with the intention of becoming a more effective coach.
A further benefit, for members of the International Coach Federation is that Coach super-Vision can account for 10 CCE credits per three-year Certification renewal cycle.
Coaches, if you wish to explore super-Vision for your practice I am here to talk.
ICF MCC Credential
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