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Profile Details

Jill Savage

Chesterfield,  Derbyshire

United Kingdom





I'm an executive coach, coach supervisor and mindfulness teacher with a special interest in well-being

More Details

I'm an executive coach, coach supervisor and mindfulness teacher with a special interest in well-being. I also run accredited coach training programmes at Certificate and Diploma level in addition to mindfulness retreat days and an 8 week distance learning mindfulness course for coaches. I have run my independent coaching business for over eighteen years and whilst I would describe my approach as integrative, I draw upon neuroscience, mindfulness and compassion practices to inform my work. I also work creatively and I find that humour is never far away. In the coach supervision space I will work with you either face to face, by telephone of via skype to:-

Provide a safe, non-judgmental space where we can pause and reflect on your practice

Work in partnership with you to reflect deeply on your work as a coach and to heighten awareness and perspective

Explore together experiences of transformation and stuckness

Together we will shine a light on the psychological unconscious process to bring this into awareness

Explore non-judgmentally any ethical moments of choice for you as a coach

Enrich, resource and refresh you with additional tools, models and approaches where relevant to support your coaching practice and continuous professional development.

I am in regular one to one and group coach supervision with three accredited coach supervisors and one mindfulness supervisor and aim to develop my practice as best I can and I regularly attend courses, conferences and meetings with peers. I apply an ethical, compassionate and human style of supervision, all while focusing on achieving your goals with mutual collaboration.

Executive Coach
Coach Supervisor
Mindfulness Teacher

Professional Qualifications

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