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Profile Details

Sorrel Roberts

,  Petersfield

United Kingdom





Supervision is a space where we can explore anything that impacts your coaching work with a calm and grounded approach.

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What is Supervision?

To my mind supervision is a sphere where we can focus our attention with intention. Beautiful like a marble of clear light that reveals different views, refractions, prisms depending on how it is held and where it is viewed from. Robust and solid, safe to bring whatever needs to be brought. A place to explore that which might evoke shame or a sense of wobble, with good humour, good intent and a strengthening resourcefulness. Deep work done with humour and lightness. Practical and lyrical all at once�a privilege and a necessity.

A pause.
A slowing down.
For better noticing capacity for the benefit of you and your clients.

Professional Qualifications

ICF Mentor Coach
Barefoot Coaching trained Coach and Tutor

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