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Maria A Carneiro

São Paulo,  São Paulo






Maria Angelica Carneiro, MCC Coach, certified by ICF (International Coach Federation (ICF), Executive Coach, Organizational Consultant, Supervisor and Mentor of Coaches. Co-founder Escola de Coaches. Working with for specific coaching work in Brasil.

More Details

Maria Angelica Carneiro, Coach MCC certified by ICF (International Coach Federation (ICF), Executive Coach, Organizational Consultant, Supervisor and Mentor of Coaches. Co-founder, Escola de Coaches (School of Coaches) -

Co-author of ICF-accredited training programs for School of Coaches in ACTP, ACSTH and CCEUs accreditations. ICF Global examiner for Certification of Coaches. Author of articles for specialized magazines and lecturer to various associations and organizations.

Biographical Adviser and Coach of executives for entrepreneurs and self-awareness and self-development seekers, who want to recognize their legacy, purpose and meaning of life, strengthening their role and contribution to the world.

Performing consultancy work for Organizational Development, acquired in 23 years of experience in Human Resources and more than 5,000 hours of coaching practice in organizations, such as: Abbott, Andrade Gutierrez, Bank of Brazil, Comgas, FIAT, Fleury, Goodyear, Gol Airlines, Santander Group, Kimberley-Clark, Natura Cosmetics, Nestlé , Porto Seguro, Roche, Roland Berger, Saint Gobain, SENAC, Tractebel, Ultragaz.Amex in partnership with

MCC Coach certified by ICF (International Coach Federation), trained at Fielding University (USA) and CTI - Coaching Traning Institute (USA), CMC Mentor certified by Positive Life Works, Coaching Supervisor certified by Coaching Supervision Academy - CSA, Team Coaching by InviteChange Team Coach (USA) - TC. Participate in ICF Global Meetings since 2008 and annual CAM Meetings - Conversation Among Masters - USA since 2015.

BSC Psychology with specialization in Anthroposophic Psychology (Dekkers - Netherlands). Biographical Advisor by the Verein Fur Biographiearbeit Auf Grundlage Der Anthroposophy, certified in Conflict Mediation Coaching by Trigon - Germany. Trained in Transformational Culture by Methodology and Tools - Barret Values - Brazil.

Responsible for the establishment and launching of ICF Brazil – Chapter São Paulo, where hold positions of President and Vice President from 2013 to 2015.

Founder of Programs MuItação in 2002, from South Africa a social and voluntary work for the empowerment of young people in vulnerable situation. Currently, front activist in two social projects “Facing the Future with Courage” - under the supervision of the Monte Azul Community Association, and “Constructing My Place” - with social investment of Instituto EcoSocial.

Founding Member of Brazilian Biographical Association – 2002.

Professional Qualifications

Supervisor by CSA

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