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Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

Dorothy Atcheson • February 12, 2025


by CSA Accredited Supervisor and Faculty Member Dorothy Atcheson

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth - What horses can teach us about coaching and

The experience we had with the horses began even before we'd fully arrived and got started.

As our group of 12 coaches and supervisors approached the paddock, the horses were “kicking off”. Literally kicking the barn doors, whinnying and appearing agitated.

“They’re nervous”, said our lead facilitator (Jude Jennison). “That’s because some of you in this group must be nervous. They respond to energy, but I’ve never seen them respond like this before.”

It turned out that at least one person in our group was absolutely terrified. A few others were also very nervous about meeting and working with the horses.

They are enormous beasts. It’s only when you are right up close to them - as we eventually were - that you feel HOW enormous and powerful they truly are. That’s a lot of vibrational energy in one tight, towering, muscular bundle! If you’re not used to horses, I think it must be difficult not to feel threatened.

Thankfully, our facilitators knew how to calm the horses. And the first exercise for some of us was to get right up next to one of the horses, put our hand on its heart and breathe together. I got to do that exercise, and it was transporting.

It’s a bit different human to human. But how many times do we stop to consider that our energy, too, is contagious? And what is our responsibility as supervisors - or indeed as coaches - to create the conditions or space with our clients in which the horses won’t bolt?

Imagine sitting down with your coaching or supervision client. Chances are they’re bringing something to explore together that they might feel vulnerable and nervous about. How do we create a safe enough container for them to bring their questions and concerns - or even their joys and successes? Sure we can focus on our agreements and contracting. But how do we co-create an energetic space that allows for and welcomes all of that - without even saying a word?

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On the day we met the horses, we were asked to pick a topic we wanted to explore in our leadership. Two women chose "managing up" with senior colleagues. But when they were asked to lead a gentle older horse to water, the horse wouldn’t budge, no matter how much they pulled the lead, or cajoled or encouraged. “He doesn’t trust you,” said Jude. “If you don’t show him you’re the leader and you know where you’re going, he’s not going to follow you.”

We’d also been told that this particular horse had been rescued from abuse in his younger life. The energy of “rescuer” and “poor thing” was all over some of us as we engaged with him. Myself included. “He doesn’t need your sympathy,” said Jude. “He’s totally fine now. He needs your leadership!”

Honestly, we learned so much over our day with the horses. They taught us about energy management, limbic resonance, co-regulation and leadership. And in the gentlest, somatic way, without any exchange of words.

It was literally a no brainer – an experience I’ll always treasure. And that ain’t horse shit.

Dorothy Atcheson

If you are interested in the experience of  working with Jude and her horses, CSA is holding another day at the stables -
planned for March 31st 2025 -
full details can be found here Book quickly because places are strictly limited!

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